Pinturas JAFEP


Jafep Paints presents his new colour chart called “Estándar”.

Discover the new tool that Jafep makes available for you.

Carta Estándar de Pinturas Jafep

Carta Estándar de Pinturas Jafep

500 colours developed by our onw colorimetric laboratory, after a few years of hard working of our team.

Estándar of Jafep it is not the end, just the beggining of a new line of research and development in colorimetry, increasing progressively the range of bases compatible with this new colour chart and improving the precision of the different formulas, in this and others available colour charts.

The new chart include an ample range of 500 colours formulated following the most strict quality control to achieve the maximum reliability between the chart and the applied colour.

The organization of the colour chart has a simple format dividing the colours in nine families: pastel, blue, violet, red and rose, orange, yellow, brown and grey.

For colours selection we have considered several points such us esthetic, market demand, resistance, etc. following advises from our technicians, clients, interior designers and the market tendency.


iCarta Estándar de Pinturas Jafepnspirate-11-11-2016




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